
Easter Bunny Canvas Banner Paper Craft

Thu, Mar 18, 21 . Michelle Price

I'm not sure why, but one of my favorite parts about Easter decor is all the bunny butt crafts. They're just so darn cute! I decided what my home really needed is a bunny butt Easter banner. 

This Easter Bunny Canvas Banner is a really simple project to make, but I used some specialty papers to give it some extra pizazz and make it look fancier than it really is. We have lots of specialty cardstock papers in the shop that make great layers when you need something special. I especially love the Canvas paper as it gives the look of a fabric craft with the ease of paper. 


I started by cutting out my bunny pieces using Dotted Swiss. I used this bunny SVG file, but you can also just trace a shape you print out. I curled the bunny ears a bit to give them dimension and glued on the pink feet parts. 

For the bunny tail I just freehand cut three circles in various sizes from the corrugated white paper. I tried cutting this on my Cricut machine, but did not have any luck. I have used punches on this corrugated paper and that does work well, but I didn't have all the sizes I needed, so I just freehand cut circles.

Once all my bunnies were assembled, I adhered the bunnies to the Canvas paper using Art Glitter Adhesive. I really like Art Glitter Adhesive because it works on a variety of materials!

This is a fun, simple Easter craft project that you can make in a jiff!


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